Windscape (Switch) ReviewWindscape is a first-person exploration action-adventure game developed by Headup Games, a small indie developer. It was released on...
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - Gamplay WalkthroughSekiro: Shadows Die Twice gameplay and walkthrough. This is not a complete walkthrough as dialogue, intro cinematic, and cut scenes are...
Kingdom Hearts 3 Review- Non SpoilerAs a gamer who grew up playing the original Kingdom Hearts 1 when it was released, and a huge fan of JRPGS, I was eagerly awaiting the...
Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom ReviewVideo Review: Ni No Kuni 2 Revenant Kingdom, is a sequel to the popular JRPG that was released on the PS3 back in 2013. Even if you...
How Hard is Hardcore: RE2 RemakeAs a kid growing up on SNES, Sega Genesis, and PS1 era of games I always found myself loving games that were challenging, unforgiving,...
RE2 Remake (PS4)- Impressions So FarCheck out the video, or the written version below: I’ve been playing RE2 remake since its release and I wanted to make a video giving my...
Feudal Alloy - All Key and Locket LocationsFeudal Alloy is an Indie title that mixes Metroidvania and RPG elements. This video will show you the locations of all the data...
The True Villain of Horizon Zero DawnHave you been the victim of bad game physics and can no longer enjoy a game after the sense of immersion is broken? In this video, I will...
Horizon Zero Dawn Review- Spoiler Free and Spoiler ExplanationHorizon Zero Dawn was released almost two years ago in Feb 2017 and is still exclusive to the PS4. Its produced by Guerrilla Games, a...
My GOTY and The Game Awards 2018With 2018 coming to the end, I have to say that this year was one of the strongest years for videos games this console generation. With...